Great news, that checks another box.




From: Jimmy Vance [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2019 6:35 PM
To: NIzar Mullani;;; 'n5xz';; 'Glenn Anderson'; 'Doug SEYLER'
Cc: 'Mike Hardwick'
Subject: Re: Update on Quad Club Mega Field Day


Actually Dave Scott is handling the GOTA station activities. I focus on
helping Bill with the Antennas and Glenn with the computer networking as
well as other aspects of setup

Lee Cooper our ARRL Vice Director will be stopping by


On 6/8/2019 5:50 PM, NIzar Mullani wrote:

Two weeks till our Mega Field Day. Here is an update on the GOTA station and
Bonus Points manager, plus, a list of people who have taken on the
responsibilities for different aspects of the FD activities.


GOTA station is going to be operated by the KARS club members using the call
sign KT5TX. Jimmy Vance is in charge of this station. I believe the GOTA
station is going to be located in the comfort of the Emergency Communication
RV. Everyone is welcome to help operate this station. If you are interested
in helping, please contact Jimmy at his e-mail address above. There are
bonus points if a non-ham person operates the rig and makes 20 contacts. If
you know of people who want to learn or experience the feeling of operating
a radio, please invite them. If you know Boy Scouts leaders, please let them
know this is a good time for the scouts to learn about radios.  


Our Bonus Points Manager is Doug Seyler from TDXS. He is lining up different
activities we can do to earn bonus points. These bonus points are important
since we can earn up to 1000 points (equal to 500 CW QSOs). We may need to
appoint someone as the Safety manager, if Doug has not done this already. I
understand that Doug has invited the Sheriff as our elected official to come
and visit the facility. This is a good time to meet and greet him. Can't
guarantee that it will help erase your ticket if you have one. 


Bill Cordell is going to be The Man. He is brining two man-lifts and all our
antennas. Mike Hardwick is bringing his trailer tower for SSB antennas. We
will have three towers and LOTS of coax to string up. Bill is going to need
a team of people to help with the erection of antennas and laying down coax
cables. Please volunteer to help with this project. The antenna setup will
begin Friday afternoon. For newbies who want to learn about antennas, this
is a great time to learn from the experts. We will also need help with the
coax routing of the rigs, the filters and triplexers in the operating areas.


Glenn Anderson is the person who will be brining 10+ computers installed
with N1MM and networked to work together. He usually needs help in setting
up the computers and the rigs. There will be 11 K3 rigs, which will need to
be setup for operation in CW, SSB and FT8 modes. Allen N5XZ is in charge of
these rigs. But, he will need a lot of help also. So, please volunteer. 


Allen and Jeff have created a sign-up sheet for the operation of CW, SSB,
Digital and GOTA stations. This year, we have added a Mentor and
Want-to-Learn categories in the sign-up sheet. Several operators have agreed
to help people who want to learn about becoming better operators. This is a
great program. I can attest to it. I used to tag along with the good
operators to learn from them and it helped me a lot. Whether you are a
newbie or a seasoned ham, please take advantage of this opportunity by
signing up. Send Allen an e-mail if you want him to send you the sign-up


Mike Hardwick is coordinating this effort. As we get closer to FD, he will
let us know the menu, serving the food and cleanup. Feel free to donate some
money to Mike for the food. If you have any food allergies or preference,
please bring your own food. Allen swears by the five hour energy drinks
during operation of FD. I am not sure how well they work since I have a
picture of him calling CQ while asleep during FD. Of course, this was in the
middle of the night when the band was dead and you can call CQ endlessly
without a contact. A good time to take a power nap.


Teardown usually goes faster than putting things up. Please help in any of
the above areas. Antennas will need to disassembled and stowed, coax will
need to wound up on spools, rigs and computers will need to be packed up and
stowed. Cleanup is critical. We need to put the house and the grounds back
in the condition we found it in if we are to have access to his great venue.
Please make it a point to help with this part of FD. 


FD is a great time for us all to get together and get to know each other
better. It is also a great time to invite people you know to come and see
what we 'Hams' do as a hobby. We set up a major communication station
overnight to operate in emergencies. When power goes off and cell towers get
inundated with traffic, we can usually get the messages out using our
radios. FD helps us to practice so we know what to do if we are needed in an
emergency. More importantly, we enjoy doing this. So, come have fun.

Nizar K0NM, on behalf of the Mega FD group.


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