
I think we all have a whole lot of new things to learn and explore in this
hobby. As others have extended the warm welcome to me, I pass the same
along to you. WELCOME! Looks like we're in for a lot of fun times with this
crowd. Do let me know how the setup goes and what kind of challenges you
find, I'm hoping to do a VHF/UHF install on my Mazda Tribute at some point.
But I haven't made any hardware decisions as of yet.


*S. Kori Rahman*


Cell: (770) 298 8516

On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:33 AM William Elliott via BVARC <>

> I was at the test this last Saturday as well.  I'm really excited about
> learning more about this hobby.  There is just so much to learn.  My
> background is not nearly as technical as most of y'all.  I'm a former Army
> tanker and current homicide detective.  I got into this hobby to learn
> about and practice mobile radio communications.  I am mounting a Yaesu
> FTM-400DR in the Jeep in January.  I'm putting the last bit of funds
> together and then I'll be installing.  As I move forward I know I'll have a
> ton of questions.  BVARC looks to be a fantastic club and I'm excited to
> get started!
> William (Bill) Elliott
> K15MKV
> 281-914-1453
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 5:40 AM Theresa via BVARC <> wrote:
>> Howdy Kori,
>>    Those of us in are 30's may not consider ourselves old, but when you
>> compare to the age of most hams, we're young.  Hence why I jokingly call
>> myself a triple minority:  1) Relatively young (38)  2) Female    3) Female
>> ham without anyone else in the family being a ham operator.  NO ONE, I went
>> out and got it on my own.
>>   Welcome to the hobby and the club!!  Sorry I missed the meeting, but
>> unlike someone whom I shall be good and not name, I didn't want to zoom
>> while driving into Houston tonight.
>> Theresa Williams KE5MUX
>> On Friday, December 11, 2020, 4:01:28 AM CST, Kori Rahman via BVARC <
>>> wrote:
>> Hello Scott,
>> Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I know that (as was
>> mentioned in the ZOOM call earlier) the HAM community is an aging group and
>> that you all want to see the hobby pass down to the younger generations. I
>> actually got my call sign as a late birthday present, I turned 33 on
>> December 8th. I wouldn't consider myself a "young man", but I understand
>> many of you would. I am really excited about this new hobby of mine and I
>> hope that I can help this (my) club move forward into the future.
>> As I mentioned before, THANK YOU to everyone. You've all been very
>> encouraging. I think my main focus for the next few weeks will be studying
>> for the Extra Exam, but the list of new things to explore has really
>> expanded.
>> 73s!
>> *S. Kori Rahman*
>> Cell: (770) 298 8516
>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 11:38 PM Scott Medbury via BVARC <>
>> wrote:
>> Kori,
>> Welcome to your club. And it is your club too . Al are welcome and your
>> input is vital. We are continually trying to improve it and have programs
>> and activities that appeal to all interests and levels.
>> 73 de Scott KD5FBA
>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020, 10:55 PM Kori Rahman via BVARC <>
>> wrote:
>> Hey Mark,
>> Yeah I'm sure I can give you a few phrases. Something like "Hello" and
>> "The weather is nice today" or anything more specific? Those are "안녕하세요"
>> (ahn-young-ha-seh-yo) and "오늘은 날씨가 좋습니다" (oh-neul-eun  nal-she-gah
>> joe-seum-nee-dah) respectively, the "eu" vowels are basically like that
>> sound that Lucy makes in "I Love Lucy" when she gets in trouble. LOL All
>> other sounds are basically as written.
>> Pronunciation is really hard to get right the first time with Korean, and
>> is essential given that their words are usually very short. The thing that
>> makes it difficult is mainly because they have a few very different vowels.
>> I suggest listening to words several times to see if you can match them.
>> Good references: Talk to me in Korean <>,
>> The Seoul National University Korean Textbook
>> <>(I
>> used in college).
>> To be honest this is NOT a language to pick up quickly, so if you're
>> looking for quick and dirty, phrase books are good (particularly if they
>> have a CD). Maybe we can try it out over HAM?
>> Yes Korean grammar is VERY different. Their word order is different, they
>> have these things called "particles" which connote subject or object,
>> extremely complex verb conjugations which can indicate not only tense, but
>> formality (there are at least 3 common ones), imperative, as a statement vs
>> a questions, can be modified to indicate the verb as a noun or adjective,
>> etc. So because of that, google is risky for anything but the simplest of
>> sentences.
>> I got into Korean because of... a girl in college... But I still listen
>> to Kpop. If you don't know what that is don't look it up. If you do look it
>> up, look up "보아 - 나무".
>> 73!
>> *S. Kori Rahman*
>> Cell: (770) 298 8516
>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 9:53 PM Mark Brantana via BVARC <>
>> wrote:
>> Kori,
>> Hi welcome to the airways. I wish I had taken the initiative to introduce
>> myself as you have. Great to read your story.
>> One thing, I have some older Korean neighbors next door who do not speak
>> a word of English. I think they had just arrived state-sides when their
>> family moved them in. They are wonderful dear people, and we communicate by
>> badly done hand signals. I would love to be equipped with a couple of key
>> phrases and was wondering if you might have a few key phrases. They are not
>> hams of course.  Do you have some reference suggestions you could point me
>> toward? I am aware that Korean is likely very different linguistically from
>> English.
>> Hope we might be able to meet up us on the Stir Crazy Net at 146.940 noon
>> weekdays or the Monday Night net at 8 pm same frequency.
>> Mark
>> N5PRD
>> On Dec 10, 2020, at 3:49 PM, Kori Rahman via BVARC <>
>> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm Sheikh "Kori" Rahman (KI5MKU), I just joined the BVARC last Saturday
>> when I took my exams and I wanted to go ahead and introduce myself to
>> everyone. I am an Aerospace Engineer by education (Masters in AE from GA
>> Tech 2011), with some experience in the Oil and Gas industry. Currently
>> living in Sugar Land, TX. I have been aware of the amateur radio hobby for
>> a long time but never took the steps to apply until last month. Having been
>> unemployed for a good while now, I have taken up a lot of self-study in
>> this time. While studying tensor analysis I realized just how similar the
>> equations of fluid dynamics were to Maxwell's equations, and so I started
>> learning more about electromagnetic waves. One thing led to another and
>> "The Algorithm" suggested HAM radio, so I went ahead and took the leap. I
>> contacted Mark (K5MGJ) about testing, studied on YouTube and
>> for a month and passed my Tech and General. I will be studying Gordon
>> West's (WB6NOA) book for the Extra class exam and plan to take it next
>> month.
>> Looks like there are a lot of very smart folks in this club and I hope to
>> learn a lot from and hopefully contribute to the club as well. Right now my
>> main interests are exploring digital modes, and RACES/ARES emergency
>> communications. I have been programming and building circuits projects
>> since I was about 12 and I like making random programs for fun. The more I
>> learn about HAM the more I realize I should have done this a long time ago!
>> So I really want to learn about the digital modes and maybe at some point
>> contribute to the software that exists or create more. I'm no stranger to
>> RaspberryPi, Arduino and other microcontrollers, which in my preliminary
>> overview of HAM appear to be used a lot. For now I've just got my cheap
>> little BaoFeng UV-5R which I have programmed using CHIRP. Hope to upgrade
>> to maybe a mobile UHF/VHF unit soon. I would like to try HF at some point
>> down the road as well, because the idea of off-grid long range
>> communication sounds really cool to me.
>> I have a long list of hobbies so I'll spare you unless anyone is
>> interested. However, if there are any Korean speakers please contact me.
>> Anyway, that's my spiel, feel free to contact me by responding to this
>> email or directly. I will be attending the ZOOM meeting tonight as well.
>> Thanks! 73s everyone!
>> *S. Kori Rahman (KI5MKU)*
>> Cell: (770) 298 8516
>> <>
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