I have a new 650 watt computer power supply you can have if you want it. Mark 

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On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 3:42 PM, Allen Brier N5XZ via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> 

As many of you know, I have suffered a direct lightning strike here at my 
station on Monday, June 28th about 6:30 am. It was essentially catastrophic for 
most of my equipment inside the shack and I am still assessing the damage. I 
even have some damage to audio gear in another room. Many other homes in the 
neighborhood also suffered damage, one of them so bad that EVERY piece of 
electronic equipment in the house was fried. I am still waiting for a power 
supply to get my computer back up and running, but thanks to Orville K5VWW, we 
have determined that the hard drive is intact. 

I am seeking guidance from anyone who has suffered a similar fate. I need to 

- How did you deal with the insurance company?

- How did you test equipment to determine the extent of damage?

- Did you employ an electrical engineer to provide statement(s) to the 
insurance company to validate damage?  (was is require to?) (Any EE's out there 
available for this?)

- What was claimed? i.e. did you claim all feedlines, cables, adapters, 
switches, etc. in addition to radios even if there is no damage visible?

Any other information which may benefit me in my claim would be appreciated. It 
may be a while before I am back on the air again from my QTH. 

Allen Brier N5XZ 

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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