We are looking some spare parts that someone may have available. Some of our 
Hams are putting together a 2-m antenna for a sight impaired Ham in our club. 
We need two sections of coax (at least 12ft and at least 18ft) and an antenna.

The objective is to go 12 ft to a pass-through board on his porch and the 18 ft 
coax to travel to antenna up a nearby tree. We prefer the coax with connectors. 
The antenna type is open, but I was thinking of making a ladder line j-pole, 
unless someone has something better. 

I know he will appreciate the help since he currently has very weak coverage on 
a handy-talky. (Come to think of it, he could probably stand a better station 
radio, but this is highly optional.)

I will be glad to pick up donated parts.

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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