So I have an issue here about tonight's Net Control management.
He starts off the check-ins basically saying that if you don't have anything to 
contribute, don't bother checking in.  Then later in the transmissions he 
basically said to one check-in that he didn't want "check-ins, and outs".  

BVARC Team, this is not right.  Many people want to check in to register their 
monitoring of the net.  Many of them just want to listen and LEARN.  I had my 
General Class wife all set up to check in for the first time.  After she heard 
that, she just went into the next room.  She wants to drop her membership now.  
I don't think some  board members will really care.  I know one wont.  And 
telling the one person that he was dis-invited from doing a "Check-in, Check 
out" was out of line in my opinion.  He probably just wanted to be a part of 
the BVARC team.  Do you seriously think he will contribute in the future after 
that embarrassment?

If BVARC wants new members, or to retain current members, we need to be more 
inclusive, and allow new members to at least try to be inclusive.  We are not a 
military operation.  I served, and know the difference.  We are a club of Hams 
that want to have fun. 

Please straighten this out, or post your rules for what any Hams can, or cannot 
say in check-ins.  But please, lighten up, and allow new Hams to become happily 
participating members.


Best Regards,Rodney J. MartinezIntellitech Automation, Inc.832-423-5640 
(Cellphone)8816-326-49843 (Satphone)
NK5Q (Ham Callsign) 

    On Sunday, July 25, 2021, 4:18:40 PM CDT, Rick Hiller via BVARC 
<> wrote:  


--Ice Cream Social -- DELAYED until October 

--Join the Slow Speed CW Net -- Thursday 8PM

--Skeeters Baseball Night -- This Thursday




BVARC Stir Crazy Net -- 

Tune into 146.94 every weekday at Noon for a fun, information packed 1 hour.  
Check in and maintain your sanity and improve your Ham Radio knowledge.   
Spread the word.  All are invited, as with all BVARC nets and activities.   


Monday Night Net --  8PM, July 26, join Terry, K5PGF, NCS.

                                    146.94 Repeater.  C U there. 


Wednesday Night Rag Chew Net -- 3910 KHz at 7PM.  John, K5LKJ - NCS.  Just 
chew'n the rag on 75.  Early check-ins from 6:30.  Telephone check-ins call 
832-474-3713 during the net.


GHSN -- Greater Houston Simplex Net --  

Visit the web site at  for dates, times and frequencies

Mark, N5PRD, is the point of contact.  Contact him at:

New Slow Speed CW Net --  Thursday Evenings at 8 PM on 7.090 +/- 5 KHz.

     Join John, K5LKJ, for a pleasurable CW experience.  Check in and let the 
net improve your CW skills.

     Listen for QST, QST, QST.....right at 8 PM  (0200 UTC).



 News, Presentations, plus On Air and Social Activities


August 2021 BVARC Beacon Newsletter, in color, is soon to be on the web site at  July Newsletter is there now.

     All BVARC News, technical information and editorial comment.

BVARC at the Skeeters -- Baseball Night   July 29th

    Scott, KD5FBA, is managing the BVARC Seating Group.


    Link for ordering tickets for Ham Radio Night in the Park.


            Parking is $5.00 in advance and $10. On the day of game.

                               Parking ticket fee link is:  

                  Parking 7/29 - MyProVenue™ (

VEC Testing -- Bayland Park -- Saturday August 7th at 10:30 AM

    Contact Mark Janzer, K5MGJ for details at

BVARC e-mail list serve -- tired of your e-mail bell going crazy due

   to the BVARC reflector activity?   You can sign up to get a 

   "once a day" composite digest of all of that day's activities.

  Just log on and change your settings to "digest". 

   You can also access the "archives" of past e-mail activity

    from the BVARC home page at: 



August Ice Cream Social -- Delayed until October  

Due to the rise in Delta variant cases and erring on the side of caution, the 
powers that be thought best to delay the first in person, post Covid get 
together for a few months.    So instead........

BVARC August Meeting -- Thursday, August 12th 7 PM

Zoom Meeting -- Presentation will be about the National Traffic System (NTS) 
and messaging handling, given by Ron Bosch, KE4DRF and Sheree Horton, WM5N.  

With hurricane season impinging on us at this time of year, there is always a 
possibility of amateur radio activation.  Understanding the basics on traffic 
handling and passing messages is knowledge to keep in your back pocket. 

BVARC July Meeting   presentation on Arduino applications by John Thurmond, 
K5BJT, was postponed until September or October. 


               Ham Radio Trivia

      What is the one element of Ohm's Law that you

                       cannot hold in your hand? 

                                    A) Volts

                                B) Resistance

                                C) Watts 

                                D) Amps 

                   Answer to last week's trivia -- C) Variometer
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Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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