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BVARC News Blast #72

------    John Stratton N5AUS on Zoom via TDXS -- Re: LoTW
-------   Wings Over Houston Airshow call for Ham Ops has been made
-----     Apologies, no News Blast the past 2 weeks....I forgot twice --


*BVARC Stir Crazy Net -- *

Tune into 146.94 every weekday at Noon for a fun, information packed 1
hour.  Check in and maintain your sanity and improve your Ham Radio
knowledge.   Spread the word.  All are invited, as with all BVARC nets and

*Monday Night Net *--  8PM, August 23 join Terry K5PGF, NCS.

                                    146.94 Repeater.  C U there.

*Wednesday Night Rag Chew Net *-- 3910 KHz at 7PM.  John, K5LKJ - NCS.

   A net to just chew the rag.  Early check-ins from 6:30.  Telephone
check-ins call 832-474-3713 during the net.

*GHSN -- Greater Houston Simplex Net *--

   Visit the web site at   simplexhouston.com

   Mark, N5PRD, is the point of contact.  Contact him at:  N5PRD@

New Slow Speed CW Net --  Thursday Evening at 8 PM on 7.090 +/- 5 KHz.

     Join John, K5LKJ, for a pleasurable CW experience.  Check in and let
the net        improve your CW skills.

     Listen for QST, QST, QST.....right at 8 PM  (0200 UTC).

*News, Presentations,* *plus On Air and Social Activities*

-- August 2021 BVARC Beacon Newsletter, in color, is on the web site at
www.bvarc.org.   All BVARC News, technical information and editorial

-- Hope you enjoyed the QSO Today Virtual Hamfest on August  14 and 15

     90 great talks and lots of vendors with great gear for sale

     Visit  https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/  the presentations will be
available soon for all to view.

-- Hope you had fun in the NAQP this weekend.    I listened for a moment on
40 at night.  Seemed quite active.

-- John Stratton our ARRL Division Director appeared at the Thursday
evening TDXS meeting to talk about

     the future of LoTW -- Log Book of the World.  It just happened to be
recorded and you are encouraged to

     have a view of the meeting and learn about LoTW.

       Link is     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dDYQceLGmo&t=10

               Thanks to Robie  AJ4F of TDXS.

-- Call for Air show Ham Ops went out from George Levandoski

    Contact him if you have an interest in helping:    geo...@hohi.net

       George Levandoski, KD5AYF

      Wings Over Houston, Staff Coordinator

       Amateur Radio Communications

---- Comment from the Editor:   I have tried to make this weekly Blast an
interesting, semi-newspaper type format.

       Apparently this has met with a bit of an issue with a few folks who
can't see certain items or their

       phones can't parse the format  of varying format size and width
etc.   So, with the goal of getting the

       news to all with minimal consternation, I have gone back to basic
fonts and point size with no

       bold, italics or color or anything other than just plain old black
text and one logo png.  For those of you that have

       had no trouble with viewing, good for you and thank you for reading,
so sorry for the change.

                                    73, Rick W5RH

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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