The GHSN Thursday Night Simplex Net, is moving to the 4th Thursday of each 

As before, the net will still begin at 7:00 pm and will operate as a 
propagation net on simplex frequency of 146.540 MHz w/o Tones (with a back-up 
frequency of 147.540 MHz w/o Tones). The purpose of this monthly propagation 
net is to allow communicators an opportunity to evaluate the reach and 
readability of their 2-m radios. 

Pre-Simplex Net Zoom Meetings are added prior to the Thursday Night Simplex Net.

An optional Zoom meeting will be held prior to each net, beginning at 6:15 pm. 
The purpose of this Zoom meeting is to provide training for those new to the 
propagation test procedure and to discuss general simplex topics. The link to 
these Zoom meetings is posted on our website, 
<> .

Moving this net to the new night will provide an opportunity for some 
communicators who have experienced conflicts on the previous 1st and 3rd 
Thursday times. Additionally, it was felt that a monthly propagation net is 
sufficient and will provide an opportunity to focus on improvements to the 
propagation app.

Additional planned events will continue to be announced on the website and via 
MailChimp announcements.

In summary, the next simplex net and Zoom meeting will be held September 23.


PS: Thanks to everyone for your patience as we have jostled the schedule to 
settle upon the best meeting times and format.
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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