I am attaching a notice for the simplex net tonight, Thursday 10/28/2021. Sorry 
about the late notice. I have made some improvements to the propagation 
application we used last month, and will continue improving it. Just for fun, I 
am naming the current version, “Wright Flyer.” The next version will be version 
“Piper Cub,” so you can imagine how much better we expect to be by the time we 
get to version “Raptor.” I am having fun with this, and hope everyone else is 
as well. Join us for the net tonight and let’s see how far your 2-m simplex can 

Attachment: Propagation Net Notice - October 28, 2021.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Thanks also to BVARC and to NARS for their help in getting the word out.

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