*BVARC NEWS BLAST # 101- December 12, 2021*

== Lots Brewed at Last Thursday's Meeting

== Senior Road Tower Tour a Success

Monday Night BVARC Net -- 8 PM.  Visit with Dave N5EKW, NCS.
            All are welcome to check in and stay awhile (or not)
             146.94 KE5OOG Repeater

Stir Crazy -- Week days daily at Noon -- various NCS stations.  146.94
          Check in, tell your story or just listen, but do check in.

80 Meter Rag Chew Net -- Wednesday 7 PM(local)  with John, K5LKJ, as NCS.
         Early checkins at 6:30
         Just a chance to chew the rag for an hour or so.
         3910 KHz LSB

Slow Speed CW Net -- Thursday 8 PM
        John, K5LKJ NCS  7090 KHz

*Local Happenings*

*BVARC December Meeting *-- last Thursday
     * Home Brew Night *-- at Duhacsek Park ( the BVARC Field Day location).
     About 7 in-person members had shown their projects of an amplifier
upgrade, antenna baluns, portable antenna winder and more.
     Zoom venue was live too, thanks to Chris.

*BVARC Beacon December Newsletter In Color *-- In your mailbox now or at
     An excellent club news source for BVARC members.
     Top notch editorial and technical content.
     Featured Columns:
          The President Says, Where in the World, The Feed Point, The Radio
Hotel and Cutting Thru the Static
      Scott, KD5FBA, comments on POTA -- Parks on the Air
       K5HM -- Christmas Ham Radio Story.
       Read about W5LIC, Anthony, in The Feed Point column

*Senior Road Tower Site Field Trip -- yesterday -- December 11th*
     30 folks in attendance.   Intimate tour of the RF facilities followed
by lunch provided by KARS and BVARC.
     Thanks to Jimmy, Mike and Bill for coordinating that. (Too bad I got
called to work - Ed)

*TDXS Meeting -- Thursday Dec. 16th  7 PM*
     Presentation -- a Raspberry Pi based Time Server Project
         Go to Zoom
         Meeting ID : 864-3842-3879
         Passcode: 754309

*Greater Houston Ham Fest Planning Meetings*
    via Zoom.  Dates and Times on the Reflector, so stay tuned to the
Reflector for more up to date info.
    All are invited to attend and help plan and implement the ham fest .
    GHHF March 5th weekend.

Enjoy your holiday season with family and friends,
May Santa bring you lots of radio toys
In 2022, may your country count and CW speed rise.
Happy holidays --Ed.

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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