We are sending this note as a precaution in anticipation of potential power 
outages. As of this evening, and given the nature of Houston weather, it is 
unclear whether the simplex net will be useful, but we will take check-ins at 
10 am Tuesday morning, and will repeat hourly as needed.

Assuming we have a clear frequency, the net will be on our usual frequency: 
146.540 MHz simplex, without tones.
(147.540 MHz as an alternative)

Key Information:

Whenever event the net is activated, Radio Operators are requested to check-in 
beginning on the hour. Check-ins will be repeated hourly, on the hour, until 
the net is closed. Additionally, the net should be monitored continuously.
Please listen for your area to be called as below.
In the event you need to carry on non-net activity, please QSY temporarily to 
avoid creating interference.
Please note are a welfare net, and not an emergency net, monitoring the GHSN 
should be done in addition to monitoring the usual emergency resources. Our 
mission is these support to these sanctioned and well trained local resources.
Please listen for your area to be called as below.
Defined Areas:

CENTRAL: Stations located inside the 610 Loop. (All other areas are outside the 
610 Loop.)
NORTH-NORTHWEST: Stations located between the Hwy. 290 and the I-45 North.
NORTHWEST: Stations located between I-10 West and Hwy. 290.
SOUTHWEST: Stations located between Hwy. 69 South and I-10 West.
SOUTH-SOUTHWEST: Stations located between Hwy. 69 South and Hwy. 288 South.
SOUTH-SOUTHEAST: Stations located between Hwy. 288 and I-45 South.
SOUTHEAST: Stations located between I-45 South and I-10 East
NORTHEAST: Stations located between I-10 East and Hwy. 69 North
NORTH-NORTHEAST: Stations located between I-45 North and 59 North.
We will start taking checkins and potential traffic at 8 pm.

Contact Mark - <> with any questions.
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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