What frequency will the station be operated at?


On Wed, Mar 1, 2023, 6:53 PM JP Pritchard via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:

> Dear fellow BVARCIANs
>    The Greater Houston Hamfest is this Friday and Saturday now so it's
> time to firm up plans for your involvement. To that end, I hope you'll take
> this moment to click on the included link:
> http://tinyurl.com/GHHFStationSignUp to schedule your on-air fun during
> our KK5W Special Event Station. There are three slots for each time so
> nobody has to call CQ for a full hour. You can do 20 minutes on air and
> then take a few minutes to help another person get on the air under your
> licensed supervision or just new to HF operating.
>     We will provide you with a CQ script to follow using the club callsign
> KK5W so it will be easy to sound in-touch and engaged. We'll also provide a
> list of talking points to give you things to brag about while you're on the
> air. Call me or email me using my details on the club member roster at
> BVARC.org if you have questions.
>     I know this is going to be fun, so let's jump in and make it
> memorable. Please make a small commitment of time right now. I know you
> will have a good experience while you're telling the world about a club and
> an event to be proud of.
> 73, JP Pritchard, K5JPP
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC@bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> Publicly available archives are available here:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
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