I want to let everyone know that even though it was a great effort, we did not 
meet the minimum for the caterer for the BVARC Awards Banquet. So at this time 
the banquet on the 18th is cancelled. For those members that paid via PayPal, 
their money will be refunded. Those that paid by check, the check will be 
mailed back to you. If you have not received your refund by the end of January, 
please send me an e-mail at n5...@att.net 
It is unfortunate about the cancellation but the banquet is not going away. 
Over the next few days a survey will be e-mailed to all members to see just 
what everyone would like to do for an awards banquet. The survey will only a 
few questions:
1. Would you like to have the banquet at a restaurant or have it catered?2. 
What type of food would you like to have?3. What day of the week would you like 
the banquet held?4. What kind of price range would be acceptable for you for 
the banquet - $15 to $20, $20 to $25, $25 to $30 or $30 to $35?
Hopefully we can get enough responses in over the next few weeks so a new 
banquet can be held sometime in the last half of March. 
When you get the survey, please consider your answers carefully and 
constructively. Club members input is what keeps the club going. 

Mike Hardwick, N5VCXPresidentBrazos Valley Amateur Radio Club713-826-6917

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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