Hey Marc,

I believe many people are not understanding exactly what happened here. This is 
much ado about nothing. Kori (who just happens to hold an elected position at 
BVARC) and Anthony are saying that they are going to continue to host POTA 
events just as they always have but outside the umbrella of “an official BVARC 
event”. They are not restricting anyone from participating or inviting friends. 
They simply are breaking away from the direct funding provided by BVARC.
BVARC is still going to earmark budgeted funds for POTA and anyone who performs 
a POTA function sanctioned by BVARC would be allowed to use those funds.

This has been blown completely out of proportion in my opinion.

Any licensed individual can take a radio to a state park and activate it for 
POTA. The point of POTA is to draw attention to emergency operations and to see 
if they can make contact with people while operating in the field. It can be 
done by clubs or groups or individuals. POTA doesnt care as long as its a 
licensed ham operating in his allocated FCC frequency space and inside the 
confines of a state park.

I urge anyone who has never participated in a POTA activation to go out and see 
what its all about. It’s like a mini-Field Day for as little as one ham for as 
short or long of a time as they want to operate. (Well, technically, they would 
have to make a minimum of 10 contacts to be officially considered “activated” 
by the guidelines of POTA).

Have fun!

Typos brought to you by iPhone

On Feb 5, 2024, at 10:16, M Reiter via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:

POTA is a Ham radio activity, and just like winter/summer field day and ham 
fest should be ham  club events.  you dont like pota dont come. but why your 
opinion against a ham event should stop me from participating and getting value 
from the club is beyond selfish.  Please sit in you ham shack all day and issue 
opinions about those that like to get our and resolve all the technical issues 
of setting up a station in a public place.
I am offended by your small minds, but then you are offended by mine so we are 
I am sorry the club could not support two people actually providing value to 
the club members.   oops did I just say that out loud and get blocked/cancelled?
Marc. KI5ZHO

On Sat, Feb 3, 2024 at 7:27 PM rockhauler4u46 via BVARC 
<bvarc@bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc@bvarc.org>> wrote:
POTA IS parks on the air

Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------
From: Tom Watson via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc@bvarc.org>>
Date: 2/3/24 6:18 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <bvarc@bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc@bvarc.org>>
Cc: Tom Watson <k5qb....@gmail.com<mailto:k5qb....@gmail.com>>
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Fw: Changes to the POTA Event

What is a POTA?

On Sat, Feb 3, 2024, 3:22 PM Jeffery MacMillian via BVARC 
<bvarc@bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc@bvarc.org>> wrote:
Good Afternoon,

My better judgement aside, I decided to chime in on this topic.

First and foremost. I want to thank Anthony and Kori and all the members 
involved in the POTA events. I do think there were some small mistakes made 
along the way, but they were all quick lessons and it all blossomed into a 
wonderful club event.

I do not agree with funding these events, but if it went through the board, we 
should all be OK with it, or run for a position and make a different call. 
Either way, I don't believe the club's charter states any requirement to keep 
anyone happy all the time.

Is POTA tied to BVARC? That is an easy one. NO. The only relation was the 
initiative that was taken to start the event in the first place. POTA stands on 
its own as an organization. Feel free to POTA away.

Change is normal and healthy. Expect it. Get used to it. Embrace it. Please 
stop crying about it on the reflector.  I was raised by a Marine and wwent to 
finishing school in the Navy. I have just become aware that grown men have 
feelings and it weirds me out a bit.

There is some entertainment value to the reflector but most of what I have seen 
is utter nonsense and complaining about things they won't go out of their way 
to resolve. Please read your email aloud or to a loved one before sending. This 
will help you avoid getting hurt feelings, disrespected, or any number of 
misunderstandings that occur on the daily.

A good dose of reality is always good for the soul. Here is an easy to use 
chart to help you keep things lined up.

Perceptions  NOT Reality
Feelings NOT Reality
Options NOT Reality
Third party Gosip  NOT Reality
Reflector Nonsense NOT Reality

POTA is what it is   (Poor Operators needing Technical Assistance)  We all move 
on to a better day.

Have Fun,

On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 4:29 PM anthony moro via BVARC 
<bvarc@bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc@bvarc.org>> wrote:
Yes it was the disrespect on the leadership level. This is the reason we have 
decided to go back to doing things the way we used to. So I hope to see y'all 
out there in the future.

On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 4:18 PM Eddie Runner via BVARC 
<bvarc@bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc@bvarc.org>> wrote:

So Anthony,  TO MAKE THIS CLEAR...
the Board did approve you a POTA budget of $1000 a year.

BUT THATS NOT WHY you want to cut the cord between POTA and BVARC...

Now I seem to understand it was
being disrespected by some members of the Board of Directors..

Most of thought is was about the money...

Eddie Runner (NU5K)

On Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 03:44:18 PM CST, anthony moro via BVARC 
<bvarc@bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc@bvarc.org>> wrote:

Your email makes sense but has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I sent the 
email to let people know that we will still be doing POTA events. Just not with 
the BVARC name. We are going back to the way we did things when we first 
started things. It has nothing to do with what the BOD has said or done. I am 
only speaking for myself at this time, but I was happy helping HAMS during 
POTA. There are many reasons why we are doing the events without BVARC and we 
talked about this during WFD. I agree we need to try to be more professional as 
operators. That goes for all of us. From the Top Brass to the lowest man on the 

So for everybody watching this email thread. We will give out more info on what 
Kori and I are going to be doing next.

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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