>     Posted by: "mjd7b2" mjd...@sbcglobal.net mjd7b2
>     Date: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:14 pm ((PDT))
> Hello all,
> I've made many donations over the past few years and now I think it's
> time to give time, not just stuff. So, I know the shop is open on
> Saturdays. Is there any time during the week that I can come in an
> donate some time?
> I'm trying to see how best to make the time in my schedule.
> Thanks.
> Marty

Hey there, Marty, welcome aboard!!  All help is most gratefully

A couple of questions for you, to see where you think you might best fit
in, or what kinds of things you could do to help out:

- Do you see yourself teaching?  Which target audience -- children,
adults, other volunteers?

- Do you see yourself working in the shop?  What kinds of things do you
want to learn, or know how to do and can teach others?

- Are there other things you could do, that wouldn't necessarily have to
be done in-shop on a Saturday, to help?  What kinds of things?  Well I'm
glad you asked!  Things like:
  - setting up an online store, that we could easily link with places
like Craigslist, to sell some of the donated kit we can't personally use
but has value
  - managing the sale of such inventory (photos, descriptions, packing,
  - getting our teaching materials updated, web-based
  - helping us network
  - helping with marketing, mailings, newsletters, community outreach
efforts, solicitations, grant proposals
  - I am sure that others have lists, of tasks needing doing, roles
needing filling, maybe the Board, or Jen, our Volunteer Coordinator, can
help out?

I can think of so many, many things.  It is true that for now, the shop
is only open on Saturdays.  That's not to say that volunteers don't do
things on other days of the week, either remotely, or sometimes at the
shop as well.  Dr. Walter used to come in five or six days a week!!

Also, if there were enough volunteers interested, we could definitely
modify our hours, like in the past when we were open on Wednesday
evenings as well as Saturdays.  It isn't that we can't or won't -- it's
finding the bodies willing to reliably show up and participate.

Glad to hear from you, and look forward to meeting you.


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