While I'm in this part of the code, there is something that is frightening me.

Imagine that you receive a DNS TXT reply with a packet that is crafted with a sub-string length that is bigger than the record length. Here is an example of such TXT RR:
0x04 "toto" 0xFF "crash?"

The first sub-string is fine, but with the second sub-string, the code in ares_parse_txt.c (c-ares version 1.9.1) will have a bad behavior. The loop line 146 will just compute a total length of 4+255=259 and the loop line 164 can have two possible outcomes: crash or possible information leak.

IMHO, it's a security defect and I wonder how many other c-ares functions are like that...

On 04/15/2013 10:29 AM, Patrick Valsecchi wrote:

I'm using c-ares for doing DNS-SD. For that, I need to interpret TXT records formatted as specified in the DNS-SD spec [1]. Unfortunately, the ares_parse_txt_reply function just concatenates the sub-strings of the TXT record I get into a single string, loosing the information of the various key/value pairs contained in the TXT record.

To fix that, I see two solutions:

1) provide a second function that parses the TXT records that doesn't parse the length+value sub-strings and lets the caller do this part of the parsing.

2) change ares_parse_txt_reply to return another ares_txt_reply node for each sub-string.

I'd be happy to provide a patch for either solution.

While I'm writing to this mailing list, I've seen some discussions in the archives about doing an implementation for mDNS. What is the status on that?

Thanks for this nice library and have a nice day.

[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-11#section-6.1

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