On Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 04:12  PM, Mark Crispin wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Mark Edwards wrote:
>> I'm about to build a new uw-imap for a new machine, and I'm curious if
>> anything has changed in the last year or so with how imapd handles
>> mailboxes.
> No.
>> It still does unix format by default, and if you have an mbox INBOX 
>> in a
>> user's home, it uses mbox?
>> You still have to change the default format in the source to mbox if 
>> you
>> want new mailboxes to use mbox?
> I assume that you mean "mbx" and not "mbox"; and if so the answer is
> "yes".
> -- Mark --
> http://staff.washington.edu/mrc
> Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

I actually do have a couple more questions.

If INBOX is in mbx format, will imapd use mbx for the creation of any 
additional mailboxes, or do I have to tweak the source to make the 
default creation format mbx?

Other than setting the directory to ~/mail and setting imapd to use mbx 
format, are there any other compile-time tweaks you would recommend I 
consider to run a regular old imap server on OSX?  I think that's all, 
but maybe I'm overlooking something.

Thanks again.

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