On 4/26/02 9:10 PM, "Mark Crispin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] pressed the keys
forming the message:

> On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Robert Gange wrote:
>> After reading the docs, particularly formats.txt, I decided that 'mbx' is
>> the way I need to go as two of the mailboxes need to have shared access.
> So far, so good.  I assume that you also know that only applications based
> upon the c-client library (imapd, ipop[23]d, Pine, etc.) can read mbx
> format files?

Right - even though the clients use OutLook and Netscape remotely, it's
still imap accessing the files on the server.  I really don't have any shell
users accessing mail locally.

>> By everything I've read, mbx seems to be the default mailbox format, enabled
>> by default.
> No it is not.  The default mailbox format is traditional UNIX mailbox
> format, also called "mbox" format (note the "o"), which is supported by
> just about every UNIX mail program ever written.

Got it.

>> But on some of those mailboxes, I get 'lost mailbox lock' even
>> when only 1 person is checking their mail.
> That proves that you are using traditional UNIX mailbox format.
> Maybe only one person is checking his mail, but on the IMAP server end,
> you'll find that it's two processes.  Most likely, it is a poorly-designed
> client that spawned the second process.

Understood - I know OutLook tends to open multiple connections to a single

> Well-designed clients, such as Pine, do not have this problem.
>> Also, I brought one user over from another system already in mbox format.
>> What conversion tools are available to convert mbox to mbx?
> The UW imap-utils toolkit:
> ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/mail/imap-utils.tar.Z
> has several programs which can be of use in conversion/management of
> mailboxes.  Most notable for your purposes is mbxcvt.

I'll go fetch it.  But first, some more questions - will I just be able to
run mbxcvt on the server, and imap will deal with it when users try to
access their mail?  Can I only convert the INBOX folder, or each mailbox in
the users mail folder?  What is the default location of an mbx mail folder?

Thanks very much, Mark.
Robert Gange

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