> Why not use mbxcreat when your create the account instead of dorking with
> the IMAP code?
> Here's a snip from a perl script we use.
> system("/usr/local/bin/mbxcreat", "#driver.mbx$imapdir/INBOX");

No, it has to be created by Linuxconf and I don't know if it ever will,
because at the moment it does not do it. So the solution via the imap
server is currently my only possibility. In the future it might be better
to extract the needed code from linuxconf's vdeliver and integrate it
into dmail/tmail (don't remember which is the one to use as delivery agent).

But for now I need a to know how I can do it in imapd. There must be
some place, haven't found :(, where imapd checks if the inbox is a mbx inbox
in fact and that's where I want it to create an empty mbx inbox if it does
not already exist.

PS: Please keep it on the list - that's why I set the reply-to header.

MfG / Regards
Friedrich Lobenstock

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