Thanks Mark for your help.  The 2002DEV package fixed the problem.  
Now my webmail server displays "INVALIDADDRESS@.SYNTAX 
ERROR." on an invalid "To:" field, which is much better than preventing 
a login from happening.  I am also going to write the maintainer of our 
IMAP server and pass this information along.

> It is indeed the IMAP server sending bogus IMAP:
>  (NIL NIL NIL "")
> is not a valid IMAP envelope, since the third element can only be NIL to
> indicate the end of a group.
> Nevertheless, c-client should not crash.  It turns out that I've already
> fixed it in imap-2002.  Get the latest imap-2002 development snapshot:
> That IMAP server also seems to be sending bogus text sizes, so you will
> probably have other problems with it.

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