On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Deb Teale wrote:
> > > The mbox exists, is readable, etc, but is not appendable.
> > Why is that?
> I guess I was confirming whether indeed the operation was non-standard or just
> overlooked.  In the case of reading mail, IMAP goes to the mbox (always
> exists) when it find no spool entry, but in the case of appending it isn't
> doing that--it stops with that error and I guess I was looking for an answer
> to where that might be fixable.

Let's back up a moment.

Are you saying that the mbox file is write-locked?  If so, how do you
expect writes to work to it?

If you are saying that appends to a write-enabled mbox don't work, I can't
reproduce that problem.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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