Howdy folks, I am converting a Caldera Openlinux 2.3 System to mbx format 
from mbox format using the following info:

Okay after working through most of the necessary modifications to use the 
above with the current version, I have one problem that I haven't been able 
to solve.

On the server in question, I want to have the mbx folders stored in the 
/var/spool/mail directory just like the current mbox mail files.

Ideally, I'd just like to run mbxcvt on the current mail spool files and have 
sendmail deliver it to the (new)current mailspool files using tmail.  Having 
the mbx's in the home directories is not an option on this server due to the 
current backup strategy.  Full system backups are done on tape daily while 
home dirs are all backed up to a single cd daily.

How do I pull this off, I've browsed through some of the makefiles, and a  
fair bit of documentation, and am currently reading through the c-client list 
archives, however I haven't found quite what I need, can someone please point 
me in the right direction?
Harondel J. Sibble 
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user.
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