On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Harondel J. Sibble wrote:
> Hmm, is there a way to convert the sent items folder to mbx as it looks like
> it's in mbox format....

Yes, the mailutil program (included as part of the IMAP toolkit) has a
mechanisms to copy a mailbox with a different format in the destination

> > Have you tried upgrading to the latest version of UW imapd?
> >  ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/mail/imap.tar.Z
> No, as that is not something that I can easily do until late next week due to
> time constraints. Idealy I'd like to find a workaround to this problem until
> that time.

The reason why I suggest upgrading is that the problem may be a bug that
has already been fixed.  I find it very difficult to believe that imapd
was really out of memory.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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