Hi all

I have a setup where i have around 200 user and they sometimes have mailboxes of 2GB i size
in our current setup we are running an old imap version from the RH 6.2 release on a 800Mhz machine with 800 MB memory. it also have
an SCSI 2 disk raid ( not very fast).
We have problems when our mail space runs low and a user wants to delete some mail, if the user have a mailbox around 1-2 GB in size he cant
delete the mail. we also have speed problems, users somtimes wait minutes for a server response..

our new setup is a 3 Ghz machines with 2 GB memory and a RAID 5 storage of 400 GB. it runs Redhat Enterprise ES.

the question is:
Will speed of the new system be good enough, even if a user with the 2GB mailboxes starte to delete spam mails.

Will the IO load of the system be large.

how does Imap 2002d delete a message from a mailbox, will it do a copy of the entire mailbox or can it delete a message in one large file
without to much IO.

or do i have to choose a IMAP server that stores mails i single files in Unix folders.

thanks Dennis

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