
I have a vague recollection of reading that a bug in mailutil was recently
fixed where mailutil would miss the last message in a folder when doing
a `move' or `appenddelete', but I can't find any reference to that in
2004a and the 2004b dev doesn't include any kind of ChangeLog, so I don't
know if I'm just dreaming...

In any case, I've run into a strange situation with mailutil that seems
similar to the problem I might have imagined:

$ ls -al INBOX
-rw-------    1 mooney   sysadmin 55801103 Sep 30 12:02 INBOX
$ file INBOX
INBOX: MBX mail folder
$ mailutil check INBOX
Unable to find CRLF at 53775404 in 64 bytes, text: From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Aug 13 

It's corrupt, we have utilities to deal with that (all of which use mailutil to some extent).

I split the folder at the corruption point, into:

$ ls -al INBOX.????
-rw-------    1 mooney   sysadmin 53775404 Sep 30 12:08 INBOX.head
-rw-------    1 mooney   sysadmin  2025699 Sep 30 12:08 INBOX.tail

I check INBOX.head, which should now be a valid MBX-format mailbox:

$ mailutil check INBOX.head
No new messages, 262 total in INBOX.head

I create a new, empty mailbox in MBX format:

$ file INBOX
INBOX: MBX mail folder
$ mailutil check INBOX
No new messages, 0 total in INBOX

Now I appenddelete the messages from INBOX.head into INBOX:

$ mailutil appenddelete INBOX.head INBOX
$ echo $?
$ mailutil check INBOX
262 new message(s) (0 unseen), 262 total in INBOX
$ ls -al INBOX
-rw-------    1 mooney   sysadmin 31356329 Sep 30 12:08 INBOX

Ok, where did the other roughly 20 Megabytes go?

If I compare a "before and after", by viewing the 53 MB INBOX.head and
the 30 MB INBOX in two different pine windows, the message index shows
the exact same messages, in the same order, and with the same size

If I pull off the 2K header from each mailbox so that I can use ``diff -u''
on them (it doesn't like the null padding), I see that the `appenddelete'
has changed each of the MBX index lines, so that the last eight characters
are all zeros:

-27-Nov-2002 00:30:04 -0600,1245;000000000009-00000003
+27-Nov-2002 00:30:04 -0600,1245;000000000009-00000000

It also appears to have rearranged the order that some of the messages are written into the file, so that it's very difficult to find what's truly missing.

Any suggestions to try figure out what the missing 20 MB is, and what
may have happened?

Two asides:

- I've noticed that the MBX "index" line,

        03-Aug-2004 16:06:06 -0500,4355;000000008003-00000ee6

  sometimes has a date that is zero-padded, and sometimes its

         4-Aug-2004 00:02:58 -0500,696;000000008003-00000eed

  Why is that?

- It would be useful to have a `version' command available from within mailutil, so you can see some kind of version info, so you can tell what imapd kit mailutil came out of.

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