Hello Mark,

thank you very much for making this clear. I have another question. See 

Am Freitag, 5. November 2004 16:56 schrieben Sie:
> In other words, I believe that a spam/virus came in with
>   X-UID: 32
> in the header.  There is no legitimate reason for any incoming
> message to do this; the only reason is stupidity or evil.
> The tmail and dmail programs in modern versions of UW imapd will
> recognize this and automatically convert these forged headers into
> something harmless.  In the above case, it would be:
>   X-Original-X-UID: 32
> If you decide to try tmail or dmail, be sure to get a modern version.
> This is a relatively recently added facility.  The latest UW IMAP
> toolkit sources (which include tmail and dmail as well as imapd and
> ipop3d) are always on:
>   ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/mail/imap.tar.Z

Because I don't have a recent version of uw-imap (not even modern) and I 
would prefer to leave uw-imap as it is, do you think it is a good idea 
to use exim for filtering out the X-UID header?

I would set "headers_remove = X-UID" in the procmail_pipe driver.

TIA and kind regards


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