
the two routines

void smtp_debug (SMTPSTREAM *stream);
void smtp_nodebug (SMTPSTREAM *stream);

which are mentioned in the docs and are prototyped in smtp.h are not declared in smtp.c or anywhere else as far as I can see. (using imap-2004a)

I guess they do not much more then setting debug on/off for the stream.

Another thing, in pine there exist options like
to overcome problems with certain smtp-servers.

I have similiar issues which one smtp-server where the CRAM-MD5 authentication doesn't work for me, but the Login over a SSL-connection works.

But the CRAM-MD5 gets tried first, so I always get asked the password.

Can I somehow disable the CRAM-MD5 authentication for a SMTP-Stream using c-client (like pine does) ?

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