On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Jose A. Fabregas Reyes wrote:
I have a Tru64 V5.1A DS20 machine. One o twice at day, i get this

syslog: IMAP toolkit crash: Lock when already locked

Just as a friendly reminder, the imap@u.washington.edu mailing list is for matters pertaining to the IMAP *protocol*, not for software issues. The correct mailing list for questions about the UW IMAP toolkit is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please use the latter address in the future.
Thank you.

The "Lock when already locked" error message indicates a software bug which is supposedly impossible in UW imapd. It has nothing to do with file locking; instead, it indicates a forbidden recursive call into the c-client library from a c-client callback in the application.

What version of UW imapd are you running? Did your copy come directly from UW, or was it modified by a third party?

Are you certain that the syslog came from UW imapd? Usually, the syslog will indicate the name of the program which output the message. It could be a bug in some other program which uses the c-client library.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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