Hi all,

I have an XML document that purposefully contains an identity constraint, and I was quite surprised when the parser didn't report the error.

Looking into it, I tracked the problem down to the value of the "fDoReportError" data member in class ValueStore. The constructor looks like this:

ValueStore::ValueStore(IdentityConstraint* const ic,
                       XMLScanner* const scanner,
                       MemoryManager* const manager)
    : fDoReportError(false)
    , fValuesCount(0)
    , fIdentityConstraint(ic)
    , fValues(manager)
    , fValueTuples(0)
    , fScanner(scanner)
    , fMemoryManager(manager)
fDoReportError = (scanner && (scanner->getValidationScheme() == XMLScanner::Val_Always));

which means errors will only reported if the validation scheme is set to "always." In fact, it looks like the scanner code doesn't bother with tracking identity constraints unless it's already validating. I think that makes the fDoReportError flag superfluous, although I wouldn't swear to it.

Do people agree that not reporting identity constraint violations when validation is set to "auto" is a bug? If so, I would like to change the code to set this data member to true if validation is either "always" or "auto." If there is concern that this would lead to problems, I could figure out a way for ValueStore to determine the value of this flag based on the XMLScanner's actual validation mode.



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