Are there any known remaining issues for the 3.2.0 release? I've tested with various Visual Studio versions and also tested on CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10, MacOS X 10.11 and 10.12 and FreeBSD 11.1 and it's worked on all of them. I've also built with Xalan-C on all of these platforms, and it works across the board. Xalan does require patching if using a C++11 compiler; I've filed a JIRA ticket with a patch for this: .

I've asked about this and cmake on the Xalan list a few times, but I've yet to have any response at all on the list or on a JIRA ticket. Does anyone know the current maintenance status of Xalan-C? There are a number of outstanding patches which various Linux and other distributions are carrying in order to be able to compile which could really do with folding into a new release. If the project is abandoned and without a maintainer, is there any process to go through to join the project to apply these outstanding patches?

Thanks all,

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