Alright, I've updated the PR to use `Either SPDX.License License`:

The only difference from your description that I ran into is that there's
no Text instance for SPDX.License, meaning instead of:

    either display display

I ended up with

    display . either licenseFromSPDX id

Is it intentional that there is no Text instance for SPDX.License?

On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 8:02 PM, Oleg Grenrus <> wrote:

> 1. The InstalledPackageInfo license field is also `Either SPDX.License
> License` [1] and you can get a list of IPIs conviently with `HcPkg.dump`
> [2]
> 2. It's up to you, if `Text` is enough, go for it. In the future you
> might want to provide some license reports, where you'll need structured
> license information, but then "reverting" `TextualLicense` will be a
> type-directed, so it's up to you.
> Oleg
> -
> 38c0b55e46/Cabal/Distribution/Types/InstalledPackageInfo.hs#L50
> -
> 38c0b55e46/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/Program/HcPkg.hs#L246
> On 20.02.2018 19:45, Michael Snoyman wrote:
> > I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure I understand your recommendation. Are
> > you saying that I should ideally replace all usages of `License` in
> > the Stack codebase with `Either SPDX.License License`? That _should_
> > be possible, the only questions I'd have are:
> >
> > 1. We additionally grab license info from the GHC package dump. Would
> > there be any problem parsing that license field into the old License
> > data type and storing as Right?
> > 2. If we're going to have to treat this as arbitrary text anyway, is
> > there any reason not to represent it as `newtype TextualLicense =
> > TextualLicense Text` or similar, and convert immediately with `display`?
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 6:12 PM, Oleg Grenrus <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi Michael,
> >
> >     thanks for your comments!
> >
> >     - The allBuildInfo change is
> >
> 8fc10320a5dc4898927c84ad6a2dce7965ef30db
> >     <
> 8fc10320a5dc4898927c84ad6a2dce7965ef30db>,
> >     I agree with Herbert on this. New `allBuildInfo` implementation is
> >     correct given the name. There was even a TODO to make that change.
> >     `reallyAllBuildInfo` would been silly. I also didn't felt ok to
> change
> >     the type to `Traversal` (we have lenses, please try out them too and
> >     tell if something is missing!). We'll highlight the change in the
> >     changelog, as it's easy to miss.
> >
> >     - The lack of SPDX changelog entry is my bad. It was a series of
> >     patches, and the changelog + manual update is still not done. I try
> to
> >     summarise:
> >         - `cabal-version: 2.2` files use SPDX expression syntax for
> >     `license: ` field. PackageDescription's licenseRaw will be Left expr,
> >     expr :: Distribution.SPDX.License.License
> >         - `cabal-version: 2.0` files still use old `License` syntax and
> >     type, licenseRaw is `Right l`, l :: Distribution.License.License
> >         - I recommend treating the field as opaque. You can `either
> >     display
> >     display` to show it
> >            - Next best choice is to use `SPDX.License` as in that
> >     direction
> >     conversion is lossless (licenseToSPDX), but have to workaround lack
> of
> >     e.g. `OtherLicense` as a concept (IIRC it's converted to
> >     LicenseRef:OtherLicense which is valid SPDX-License-Id). This might
> be
> >     necessary if you plan to read (human readable) text back.
> >
> >     Oleg
> >
> >     On 20.02.2018 15:47, Michael Snoyman wrote:
> >     > Hi all,
> >     >
> >     > Oleg mentioned to me on Reddit that a 2.2 branch has been cut for
> >     > Cabal, and recommended we try to upgrade Stack to it. I'm sharing
> >     > information here on that process in case it's useful to others,
> >     either
> >     > as feedback on the API changes, or help for others going through
> >     > similar upgrades. If anyone would rather that I do or do not
> >     post such
> >     > reports in the future, let me know.
> >     >
> >     > I've opened a PR for this change[1], which currently is a single
> >     > commit[2]. As you can see from the change to stack.yaml[3], I
> needed
> >     > to refer to the commit of Cabal in question, and turn on
> >     `allow-newer`
> >     > for some packages (cabal-doctest and http-api-data) with
> restrictive
> >     > upper bounds on Cabal. Both of these packages compiled without
> >     issue.
> >     >
> >     > No change was necessary to Stack's Setup.hs file.
> >     >
> >     > Most of the changes so far were compile-time errors, which is a
> Good
> >     > Thing. Changes I had to make:
> >     >
> >     > * The build type is no longer a Maybe field. (As a user: this is a
> >     > nice change, no longer a need to guess about what a Nothing
> >     value means.)
> >     > * There are now two License types, the original one and the SPDX
> >     > variant. I don't understand what this change is about, some further
> >     > explanation in the docs or the ChangeLog would definitely be
> >     > appreciated. But hacking my way through the types seems to have
> >     worked.
> >     > * Parsing a package description now works on a ByteString
> >     instead of a
> >     > String. This allowed me to remove some UTF8 conversion and
> >     > BOM-stripping code, which is very nice.
> >     > * The new parsing API exposes the cabal file version when that
> >     > prevented the parse (at least, that's my understanding). The
> changes
> >     > to accommodate the new API were relatively trivial, so another
> >     +1 here.
> >     > * Also: getting file position information for warnings and errors
> is
> >     > _very_ nice. +1
> >     >
> >     > I haven't done extensive testing yet, but I've so far only found
> one
> >     > bug due to runtime changes: the behavior of allBuildInfo has
> changed
> >     > to now include non-buildable components. This resulted in some
> >     > confusion until I reviewed the changelog more closely. If I
> >     could make
> >     > a request, it would be that, in the future, new runtime behavior
> >     come
> >     > with a new function name, to convert runtime errors into compile
> >     time
> >     > errors. This was _not_ a particularly difficult issue to work
> around
> >     > though, in large part thanks to the changelog.
> >     >
> >     > I'll continue testing this branch of Stack. Our plans are to merge
> >     > this to master, and release Stack 1.7.0 close to the Cabal 2.2
> >     release
> >     > date.
> >     >
> >     > Michael
> >     >
> >     > [1]
> >     <>
> >     > [2]
> >     >
> >
> a101341d04213d6dd8e0cf16d2f2fef8e7ed5cd5
> >     <
> a101341d04213d6dd8e0cf16d2f2fef8e7ed5cd5>
> >     > [3]
> >     >
> >
> a101341d04213d6dd8e0cf16d2f2fef8e7ed5cd5#diff-
> fafd0cdcd559a7b124cc61c29413fb54
> >     <
> a101341d04213d6dd8e0cf16d2f2fef8e7ed5cd5#diff-
> fafd0cdcd559a7b124cc61c29413fb54>
> >     >
> >     >
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> >     > cabal-devel mailing list
> >     > <>
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> >
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> > <>
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> >
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