vmassol     2003/07/13 09:25:29

  Modified:    documentation/docs/xdocs/integration navigation.xml
               documentation/docs/xdocs sitemap.xml
  Added:       documentation/docs/xdocs/integration integration_browser.xml
  Created a separate page for browser integration
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +1 -0      
  Index: navigation.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- navigation.xml    13 Jul 2003 16:11:20 -0000      1.5
  +++ navigation.xml    13 Jul 2003 16:25:29 -0000      1.6
  @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
       <item id="integration_ant" label="Ant"/>
       <item id="integration_eclipse" label="Eclipse"/>
       <item id="integration_jetty" label="Jetty"/>
  +    <item id="integration_browser" label="Browser"/>
       <item id="maven_cactus" label="Maven"/>
       <item id="howto_ide" label="Various IDEs"/>
       <item id="howto_junitee" label="JUnitEE"/>
  1.4       +6 -197    jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/integration/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/integration/index.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- index.xml 13 Jul 2003 09:22:17 -0000      1.3
  +++ index.xml 13 Jul 2003 16:25:29 -0000      1.4
  @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  -          <jump anchor="from_ant">From Ant</jump>, by using the
  +          <link href="site:integration_ant">From Ant</link>, by using the
             <code>&lt;cactifywar&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;cactus&gt;</code> 
             custom Ant tasks.
  @@ -28,27 +28,18 @@
             calling the <code>main()</code> method of a JUnit Test Runner.
  -          <jump anchor="from_ide">From an IDE</jump> or any tool providing a
  -          JUnit integration plugin.
  +          <link href="site:howto_ide">From an IDE</link> or any tool 
  +          providing a JUnit integration plugin.
  -          <jump anchor="from_browser">From a browser</jump>, by using the
  -          Cactus Servlet Test Runner, which is a special JUnit Test Runner.
  +          <link href="site:integration_browser">From a browser</link>, by 
  +          using the Cactus Servlet Test Runner, which is a special JUnit 
  +          Test Runner.
  -    <anchor id="from_ant"/>
  -    <section title="Running Cactus tests from Ant">
  -      <p>
  -        Refer to the documentation about the Cactus
  -        <link href="site:integration_ant">Ant Integration</link>.
  -      </p>
  -    </section>
       <anchor id="from_command_line"/>
       <section title="Running Cactus tests from the command line">
  @@ -61,188 +52,6 @@
           <code>junit.swingui.TestRunner.main [test case class]</code>
  -    </section>
  -    <anchor id="from_ide"/>
  -    <section title="Running Cactus tests from an IDE">
  -      <p>
  -        Refer to the <link href="site:howto_ide">IDE Howto</link>.
  -      </p>
  -    </section>
  -    <anchor id="from_browser"/>
  -    <section title="Running Cactus tests from a browser">
  -      <note>
  -        This section only applies for Cactus 1.4 and greater.
  -      </note>
  -      <section title="Step 1: Setting up the classpath">
  -        <p>
  -          In order to run Cactus tests from a browser you need to have a webapp
  -          containing your classes to test and your test classes. In addition,
  -          both Cactus client side and server side jar classes must be able to be
  -          loaded from your webapp (i.e located in your <code>WEB-INF/lib</code>
  -          directory or in a location available through your container Context
  -          class loader (refer to your container documentation).
  -        </p>
  -        <note>
  -          Refer to the <link href="site:howto_classpath">Classpath Howto</link>
  -          guide for the exact list of jars.
  -        </note>
  -      </section>
  -      <section title="Step 2: Mapping the Cactus Servlet Test Runner">
  -        <p>
  -          Then, in addition to the Cactus redirectors that you have mapped in
  -          your <code>web.xml</code> (see the
  -          <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration howto</link>), you also
  -          need to map the Cactus Servlet Test Runner, as follows:
  -        </p>
  -    <servlet-name>ServletTestRunner</servlet-name>
  -    <servlet-class>
  -        org.apache.cactus.server.runner.ServletTestRunner
  -    </servlet-class>
  -    <servlet-name>ServletTestRunner</servlet-name>
  -    <url-pattern>/ServletTestRunner</url-pattern>
  -      </section>
  -      <section title="Step 3: Executing the tests">
  -        <p>
  -          Open a browser and type 
  -          where:
  -        </p>
  -        <ul>
  -          <li>
  -            <code>server:port</code> is the name of your server machine and
  -            port on which your container is running
  -          </li>
  -          <li>
  -            <code>mywebapp</code> is the name of your webapp (usually the name
  -            of your war file)
  -          </li>
  -          <li>
  -            <code>mytestcase</code> is the fully qualified name (i.e. with
  -            packages) of your <code>TestCase</code> class containing a
  -            <code>suite()</code> method listing all the tests, in standard
  -            JUnit fashion.
  -          </li>
  -        </ul>
  -        <p>
  -          Here is an example of what you will get:
  -        </p>
  -        <figure src="images/servlettestrunner_xml.jpg" alt="XML output of 
  -        <note>
  -          If you see a blank page, click on the View source option of your 
  -          browser. It means your browser doesn't know how to display XML data.
  -        </note>
  -        <p>
  -          Ok, that's nice ... But what if I want HTML instead of XML? Don't
  -          worry there is a solution. Grab the following
  -          <link href="site:cactus_report_xsl">XSLT stylesheet</link>
  -          (based on the stylesheet used by the
  -          <strong>&lt;junitreport&gt;</strong> Ant task), drop it in your
  -          webapp and name it <code>cactus-report.xsl</code> (in the root
  -          directory for example). Then, open a browser and type
  -          You should see the following:
  -        </p>
  -        <figure src="images/servlettestrunner_html.jpg" alt="HTML output of 
  -        <note>
  -          This will work with Internet Explorer as the XSL transformation is
  -          performed on the client side (i.e by the browser). I'm not sure
  -          about other browsers.
  -        </note>
  -      </section>
  -      <section title="Enabling Server-Side XSLT Transformations">
  -        <p>
  -          In the previous section, the XSLT transformation was performed on the 
  -          client. This requires a browser capable of doing XSLT transformations 
  -          in a standards-compliant manner, and requires adding the location of 
  -          the stylesheet as a request parameter.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          Since Cactus 1.5, the ServletTestRunner can also perform the 
  -          transformation on the server-side. To enable that feature, make sure
  -          that a JAXP compliant XSLT processor (such as 
  -          <link href="ext:xalanj">Xalan</link>) is available to the 
  -          web-application.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          In addition, the location of the XSLT stylesheet needs to specified as
  -          initialization parameter of the ServletTestRunner. For example:
  -        </p>
  -    <source><![CDATA[
  -    <servlet-name>ServletTestRunner</servlet-name>
  -    <servlet-class>
  -        org.apache.cactus.server.runner.ServletTestRunner
  -    </servlet-class>
  -    <init-param>
  -        <param-name>xsl-stylesheet</param-name>
  -        <param-value>styles/cactus-report.xsl</param-value>
  -    </init-param>
  -        <p>
  -          The specified path is relative to the root of the web-application. Of 
  -          course, the stylesheet needs to exist at that location. In contrast to
  -          client-side transformations, the stylesheet may be placed somewhere
  -          inside the <code>WEB-INF</code> directory, because clients do not need
  -          to access it directly.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          If all of the above is correctly set up, you can enable the actual
  -          transformation by including a <code>transform</code> parameter with
  -          the request (the value of the parameter does not matter). For example
  -        </p>
  -    <source><![CDATA[
  -        <note>
  -          The stylesheet specified as initialization parameter is loaded when 
  -          the ServletTestRunner gets initialized. Changes to the stylesheet will
  -          not get picked up until the web-application is reloaded.
  -        </note>
  -      </section>
  Index: integration_browser.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="integration_browser">
      <title>Running Cactus tests from a browser</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
      <section title="Running Cactus tests from a browser">
          This section only applies for Cactus 1.4 and greater.
        <section title="Step 1: Setting up the classpath">
            In order to run Cactus tests from a browser you need to have a webapp
            containing your classes to test and your test classes. In addition,
            both Cactus client side and server side jar classes must be able to be
            loaded from your webapp (i.e located in your <code>WEB-INF/lib</code>
            directory or in a location available through your container Context
            class loader (refer to your container documentation).
            Refer to the <link href="site:howto_classpath">Classpath Howto</link>
            guide for the exact list of jars.
        <section title="Step 2: Mapping the Cactus Servlet Test Runner">
            Then, in addition to the Cactus redirectors that you have mapped in
            your <code>web.xml</code> (see the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration howto</link>), you also
            need to map the Cactus Servlet Test Runner, as follows:
        <section title="Step 3: Executing the tests">
            Open a browser and type 
              <code>server:port</code> is the name of your server machine and
              port on which your container is running
              <code>mywebapp</code> is the name of your webapp (usually the name
              of your war file)
              <code>mytestcase</code> is the fully qualified name (i.e. with
              packages) of your <code>TestCase</code> class containing a
              <code>suite()</code> method listing all the tests, in standard
              JUnit fashion.
            Here is an example of what you will get:
          <figure src="images/servlettestrunner_xml.jpg" alt="XML output of 
            If you see a blank page, click on the View source option of your 
            browser. It means your browser doesn't know how to display XML data.
            Ok, that's nice ... But what if I want HTML instead of XML? Don't
            worry there is a solution. Grab the following
            <link href="site:cactus_report_xsl">XSLT stylesheet</link>
            (based on the stylesheet used by the
            <strong>&lt;junitreport&gt;</strong> Ant task), drop it in your
            webapp and name it <code>cactus-report.xsl</code> (in the root
            directory for example). Then, open a browser and type
            You should see the following:
          <figure src="images/servlettestrunner_html.jpg" alt="HTML output of 
            This will work with Internet Explorer as the XSL transformation is
            performed on the client side (i.e by the browser). I'm not sure
            about other browsers.
        <section title="Enabling Server-Side XSLT Transformations">
            In the previous section, the XSLT transformation was performed on the 
            client. This requires a browser capable of doing XSLT transformations 
            in a standards-compliant manner, and requires adding the location of 
            the stylesheet as a request parameter.
            Since Cactus 1.5, the ServletTestRunner can also perform the 
            transformation on the server-side. To enable that feature, make sure
            that a JAXP compliant XSLT processor (such as 
            <link href="ext:xalanj">Xalan</link>) is available to the 
            In addition, the location of the XSLT stylesheet needs to specified as
            initialization parameter of the ServletTestRunner. For example:
            The specified path is relative to the root of the web-application. Of 
            course, the stylesheet needs to exist at that location. In contrast to
            client-side transformations, the stylesheet may be placed somewhere
            inside the <code>WEB-INF</code> directory, because clients do not need
            to access it directly.
            If all of the above is correctly set up, you can enable the actual
            transformation by including a <code>transform</code> parameter with
            the request (the value of the parameter does not matter). For example
            The stylesheet specified as initialization parameter is loaded when 
            the ServletTestRunner gets initialized. Changes to the stylesheet will
            not get picked up until the web-application is reloaded.
  1.52      +5 -0      jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/sitemap.xml
  Index: sitemap.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/sitemap.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.51
  retrieving revision 1.52
  diff -u -r1.51 -r1.52
  --- sitemap.xml       13 Jul 2003 10:32:08 -0000      1.51
  +++ sitemap.xml       13 Jul 2003 16:25:29 -0000      1.52
  @@ -264,6 +264,11 @@
       Explains how to use the special integration Cactus provides for the Jetty
       servlet container.
  +  <resource id="integration_browser" target="integration/integration_browser.html"
  +      name="Browser Integration">
  +    Explains how to run Cactus tests from a browser.
  +  </resource>
     <resource id="howto_tomcat" target="integration/howto_tomcat.html"
         name="Tomcat Howto">

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