
I'm pretty new to cactus/junitee.

We are using junitee from about last Spring. Have not moved to cactus yet.

I have a test that sends a message to a JMS Topic.

2 MDBs listen to this topic. 1 of them sends the message to a queue.

The test asserts that the message gets there. It uses the synchronous receive() method 
in JMS.

This test works the first time, but then fails - the receive() method times out.

The odd thing is that I can see the MDB sending the message successfully to the queue 
(in the log).

I only see 2 threads in the log - a JMS Delivery Thread and the execute thread.

I think that most likely this is an issue with either WebLogic, SonicMQ (our JMS 
provider) or the integration between them (Weblogic has a Foreign JMS Server config), 
but wanted to ask if this could be something in junitee.

Anyone have any ideas? 

Thanks in advance.


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