HI Sir,
     I also have same doubt so i used the serveletcontext as


Because i thaught that session and request are accessible in test case. If i am 
correct then still it is returning me null. why..?

CAn you please tell me way hoe to use it..?
So i can access those values for test in TEst class.

Detailed Senario is:

A compiles class file StringArray Doing function on StringArray

A JSP importing that class file. Andf adding some ellement and some other oprations on 
that class file.

Now i am writting tet class to test that jsp. For that i am accessing values of 
objects with are set in jsp. 

----- Original Message -----
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 21:11:15 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Re: Assesrtion Failed Error while JSP Testing

> Hi Dinesh,
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Wed, 11 Feb 2004 12:14:24 +0800,
> "Dinesh N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> gnavsupe> But it Shows result for test case as null. Dont knowe why?
> gnavsupe> CAn you tell me what may be the problem ?
> If you say about str1 which is set by
> pageContext.getAttriute("stringArray1", pageContext.PAGE_SCORPE),
> that should be null in the TestCase.
> The page-scope attribute is accessible only in the JSP
> (i.e. /StringArrayJSP.jsp).
> Regards,
> ----
> Kazuhito SUGURI
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Thanking You,

Dinesh N.

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