Hey all,
I have some Servlet code that retrieves the server called for the
request as well as the actual host server:

String calledserver = request.getLocalName();
String hostserver = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();

The reasoning is what someone calls the server via DNS resolution, it
may very well be different than the actual server that responds to the
request.  These work great in production and I'm logging this
information in case of issues to help identify the proper request and
which server there may have been an issue with.

My problem is the 'request.getLocalName()' uses HttpServletRequest, and
when trying to run cactus tests on this particular servlet I get an
error like this:

[cactus]    Caused an ERROR


[cactus] java.lang.AbstractMethodError:

Any recommendations on what I should about this problem?  It works fine
in production, but prevents testing.


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