That's right, it's only on CVS.

In fact, we were about to release a 1.7.1 release, but didn't have time
to do so.

-- Felipe

On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 17:31 +0200, Nicolas Chalumeau wrote:
> I say on cvs head ie 1.8dev. It wasn't release yet
>     <release version="1.8dev" date="in CVS">
>        ...
>       <action dev="felipeal" type="add" issue="CACTUS-201">
>         Goal <code>cactus:test</code> is not executed if property
>         <code>cactus.test.skip</code> (and not
> <code>maven.test.skip</code> anymore) is set.
>       </action>

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