Hi Nicolas!

> response.getWebRequest().getURL();

I have done a simple test and in that test the getURL() method returns 
null. So I get this failure:

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<unit.jsp> but was:<null>

I have a servlet that ends with this line:

req.getRequestDispatcher("unit.jsp").forward(req, res);

And in my endXXX() method I have this assertion:

assertEquals("unit.jsp", response.getWebRequest().getURL());

The endXXX() method is run on the client side. Will the client side really 
have information about what forward that has been done since this typs of 
forward is done entirely on the server side? I would imagine that this 
kind of assertion would have to go into the testXXX() method.

> Why ?? It seems a great solution : you can check more ie that there is
> no error message in the page code...

Well.. in this case I don't want to verify the content of the resulting 
page. Only the logic of the servlet. And it could be pretty difficult to 
figure out from the resulting HTML which jsp page that actually has been 
invoked. (Unless I code some comment into it telling which jsp page it 
is.. hmm.. that might be a solution..)


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