J10n <andrea_l1 <at> tin.it> writes:

> I'm a beginner with cactus but I tried to run my tests under
>  jboss with my ant script.
> But for strange reason (:E) it doesn't and it gives my an 
>  [cactus] Null Test:  Caused an ERROR
>    [cactus] Test.AllTest
>    [cactus] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Test.AllTest
>    ...
> I have the Test.AllTest in my classpath and it is in 
> WEB-INF/classes/Test/AllTest.class in my war 
> module inside my ear module. Somebody can help me? 
> P.s. sorry for my poor english :P

K, i didn't read the other thread. it's about the same argoument, 
so can i resolve my problem putting all 
my test classes in a jar and putting this one in web-inf/classes ? 
i'll try ;D 

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