Hi all,


I am trying to use the cactus-maven-1.7.2 plugin with JBoss 4.0.3, and I got the following error:



File...... C:\Documents and Settings\liemmn\.maven\cache\cactus-maven-1.7.2\plugin.jelly

Element... cactus

Line...... 443

Column.... 47

This element doesn't support version 4.0.3 of JBoss


Reading the documentation is apparent that the current plugin doesn’t support JBoss 4.x.  My questions are:


  • Is there a plan to support JBoss 4.x?  When?
  • Anyone has a workaround in the meantime?






 Liem Nguyen

 Software Engineer

 Information Lifecycle Management


 Roseville, CA 95747

 (916)785-0394 Phone
 (916)785-2276 Fax


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