Hi everybody,

It's been more than 2 weeks Hen called this vote and we got almost no replies.

But we had this same vote a couple of months ago (more precisely, on January 4th - http://www.mail-archive.com/cactus-dev@jakarta.apache.org/msg07820.html and http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.jakarta.cactus.user/6004 ) and got a lot of +1s, so I understand there was a misunderstanding on Hen's proposal: he is asking the developers/users to vote for the migration, independently if the person voting would like to be part of the new PMC (my guess is that almost nobody voted because they were afraid a vote would imply a PMC chair :-).

So, please, cast our vote this last time (even it's a +0)...


-- Felipe

PS: I'm sending this message to the users list as well...

On 03-24-2006, Henri Yandell wrote:
If you vote +1 and want to be a part of the new Testing project, could
you add your name to the proposal please. I've added my name so that I
can help out with any migrational teething troubles, and to be an ASF
member who is paying attention to the project [the board like to see
some ASF members being aware of each project].


Felipe Leme has volunteered to be chair, though I'll let him add
himself to the wiki page in place of the mysterious XXXX.


[ ] +1
[ ] -1 because...


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