Hi All,

     I am using jakarta-cactus-13-1.7.2 to test EJB which shows the test
result in following form :

       [image: XML output of ServletTestRunner]

 I need to show the result in following form :

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <#>      <testsuites>
- <#>            <testsuite name="*TestSampleServlet*" tests="*1*" failures
="*O*" errors="*0*" time="*0.016*">
- <#>            <testcase name="*testSaveToSessionOK*" time="*0.016*"
expected="expected value passed in assert method" actual   =   "actual
value passed in assert method"/>

So that I can translate the output XML into required HTML .XML should
contain expected value  and actual value that comes  from  test  method .

Please  help  me  to  solve this problem .

Rakesh Thawait

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