
I'm testing a jsp page for a table contents, below is
my testcase class.

import com.meterware.httpunit.WebResponse;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebTable;
import junit.framework.*;
import org.apache.cactus.JspTestCase;

public class HTMLSampleTestCase extends JspTestCase {

      public void testJspOutput() {

            try { 

            } catch (Throwable e) {

                  assertTrue("Error: Exception while
forwarding the request:\n" + e,false);

     public static Test suite()
          return new TestSuite(HTMLSampleTestCase.class);

      public void endJspOutput(WebResponse res)throws
Exception {

          WebTable table = res.getTableWithID("table1"); 

       assertEquals("rows", 1, table.getRowCount());




The other changes I hv done is... added following code
in web.xml

    <param-value>value1 used for testing</param-value>

            <param-value>value1 used for





Also I hv placed the jspRedirector.jsp file in my
application folder,
I'm runing the application through this URL

Now I'm getting a Http status 404  error.
and I dont know should I place the cactus.properties
file or not if so where should I place?

please help me... I'm stuck on this since long time

Thanks and regards,

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