I'm working on new project and we're managing our build process with Maven2.

We're using Spring 2.0 for dependency injection, which makes unit testing
outside the servlet container a little cumbersome.   Petar Tahchiev, the
developer of the Maven2 Cactus plugin told me that the project has been
postponed, which brings me to my question.

What's the best way to use Cactus to run my unit tests in Tomcat5x as a
Maven2 lifecycle goal?  

I've downloaded and installed the 'runant' plugin for Maven2.  Running
Cactus as an ant task seems messy from a configuration point-of-view, since
it appears I have to maintain build environment information in two places
(pom.xml and build.xml).  

Am I missing something or is there a simpler, more elegant way to use Cactus
+ Maven2 + Spring together?

Thanks for your help,

Melvin Jones

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