Hi All,

Thanks for your suggestions ... I tried a couple of stuff to change tomcat
port for cactus, none of them worked ...

We finally changed our existing tomcat server to run on a different port (80
for now), and our cactus tests are now successful. This looked a little
strange to me. My tests are now working, but I'm still not able to find the
reason why cactus tests fail when we change tomcat port in cactus ant task.

Thank you,

On 5/4/07, Petar Tahchiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> i think you need two independent tomcat instances. one instance is
> configured for port 8080 (default) and the second instance is configured
> for port 8081(change in %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/server.xml). so you can run
> your cactus tests against the second instance at port 8081. in the
> configuration you have to point the serverxml attribute to the
> of your second instance.
> greets,
> mathias

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