
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Thu, 6 Sep 2007 11:22:59 +0530,
Indranil Poddar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
indranil> I am using Websphere Studio Application developer to run Unit tests 
for my 
indranil> web application.
indranil> I have incorporated Cactus to do the server side testing.
indranil> However, when I run the tests, I get a ChainedRuntimeException. The 
indranil> detailed log is given below:
indranil.poddar> org.apache.cactus.util.ChainedRuntimeException: Failed to get 
the test 
indranil> results at 
indranil> [http://localhost:9080/CspLoanAdmin/JSP/Admin/ServletRedirector]
indranil> org.apache.cactus.client.ParsingException: Not a valid response [404 
indranil> Found]

Make sure you have deployed the Cactified application to the server
so that the URL of the ServletReditector,
is available.

Hope this helps,
Kazuhito SUGURI

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