Good comments.

I still haven't figured out in Smarty how to use the {include file=""}
function, since templates are separated into separate "view" folders
and aren't in a single "templates" folder like non-cake apps. Instead
of include, should I be using use helpers here? What is the syntax for
including another tpl file in Smarty?

So, other potential disadvantages I see to Smarty are things like
passing arrays (since you have to create arrays separately from the
function that calls them), using Cake's AJAX functions since they use
curly braces a lot - escaping those in Smarty is just extra typing -
{ldelim} {rdelim} or {literal}, and possible integration issues with
scaffolding or other Cake code (would I have to rewrite a lot of it in
Smarty?).  Does anyone else find these to be a pain, or is it worth it
for the benefits?

If I were using Cake, I probably would use the short tag syntax:
since I just couldn't stand typing:
<?php echo $varName?>
and I'll never put my site on a server with short tags disabled.

Any other thoughts?

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