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You can expand on your authentication system by using cake's built in ACL and ACO functionality.

I have not completely figured it out yet, but I am currently working on it.  I did get my user authentication system going though.

Web services like SOAP can be granted or denied access through ACL and ACO.

On 5/24/06, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Hi Peter,

A gentle hint: search before asking.

>I guess I will have to get used to the required 1-1-1-1 mapping between
controller, model, view and database table.
That's not really true, the bit relavent to what you are asking is that
you can have any number (including 0) of Models used by a controller;
You can also create Models which don´t use a database and use other

This tool is pretty useful, although the wiki results are still broken:

You´ll probably find that no matter what circumstance you can think
of, by searching you will find it is either already included in Cake,
is planned for, or is expandable to include your requirements in a
scalable not-a-hack kind of way. The IRC is a good place to pick up
hints if you can´t find an answer pretty quicky to concept type



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