Hi guys

I'm a fairly experience web developer and I am at a dead end here. I
have a site that I am putting into Cake from an XHTML Strict prototype.
The site uses a Java applet that pre-dates IPIX for doing panoramas, in
this case, for the inside of a motor car.

The Java applet functions 100% in the XHTML site, but when I Cake-ified
that page, it stops working, and even causes Firefox to crash.

One clue I have is that the JPEG image used by the applet is sitting in
"WEBROOT_DIR/assets/models/<modelname>/360/int.jpg", and since /assets
is not a "special" Cake directory, perhaps when the GET request is
being put through from the Java applet to the Cake site, Cake is trying
to do something to the file before returning it.

I have fairly good evidence that this is the case. See the code and
experiment below:

This is the code:
    <param name="initialview" value="358.70, 0.00, 0.63">
    <param name="filename"
        <param name="splash"
    <param name="toolbar" value="/assets/vendor/ilookpano/toolbar.gif">
    <param name="backgroundcolor" value="FFFFFF">
    <param name="progressfillcolor" value="003366">

That code does not work in the Cake site, but does work in a plain HTML

1) I created 2 virtualhosts, one called http://site.cake and one called
http://site.html (using my HOSTS file to setup the fake domain names).
The http://site.html virtualhost simply hosts the plain html site, with
no Cake installation. The other virtualhost hosts my Cake site.

2) I changed all paths in the code above to http://site.html/assets/...
and the applet worked.

3) I changed all the paths to http://site.cake/assets/... and it
refused to work.

So... what the heck is going on!?

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