
can you maybe show some of your code ? I'm still curious.
I have chosen a custom way but I don't claim to fully understand the right way with cake's built-in functions.


Felix Geisendörfer wrote:
CakePHP does have a function for Models called "findAllThreaded", which basically assumes your table has a field called parent_id and then builds you a tree array based on that. It's really simple in usage and works like a charm. I use it for some of my tree needs myself.

Hope that's useful,
Felix aka the_undefined
Olivier Percebois-Garve schrieb:
Yeah "outputting the tree" was a big design issue for me. I found no perfect solution.
helpers are limited in the data you can pass to them. Components might have been good
 if I had higher OO skills. The guiListTree() method passes an array that is recursively build,
so it requires a recursive function to transform into some HTML. I don't like to have recursive logic
in a view file, to me it should stay super simple else I am quite unable to read the code when there is
<?php ?> tags everywhere around.

I came to the conclusion that having a tree means :
-pump some data/wrap in some HTML/pump some data/wrap in some HTML/pump some data/ ...etc
-as long as the recursion goes
In a MVC perspective it means that its code that is doing MCV/MCV/MCV/MCV/MCV/... recursively.
AFAIK cake is doing MVC well but has no built-in way to repeat it recursively.

In the end I choose to build my tree in the model. I added a constructor so I could load the tree in a custom way.
This way I got a $this->Category->tree_array object that I could access from anywhere I need. I added some
methods such as get_parent_node() get_root_node() get_childnodes() etc in the model
Then I have $this->Category->get_root_node() etc accessible anywhere.

After that I made a method in my controller that uses  my new model methods  in  order to output  the tree.
 I allowed to keep the code of the recursive method reasonably small and readable. The only pitfall is to be unable
to use the html helper to build the HTML code, so I just made the necessary strings myself.
One thing with that approach is that it loads the tree from the db only once and put it in a var so there is no  recursive queries on the
db, Something I really wanted to avoid because else the number of queries  can  grow dramatically and get the site down.

That is my very personal approach, take it as it is, I'm no guru, I just like to share and see other ways/opinions.


Pacifists wrote:
Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:
Just out of curiosity what is your "meniutree" ?
I've implemented a (simple) tree management in my application,
and after having tried components and helpers I finally  moved all my
methods to model,
which seems to me the most convenient way.

I don't think I fully understand how you've implemented this.
How do you output the tree then ? With some helper ?


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