Before I knew CakePHP I was working with my own set of libraries and I had one for sessions too which I called sessions on demand.
I think the way it functioned would be nice to have inside CakePHP as well:

1. CakePHP tries to store the sessions via cookie by default
2. When one of these functions inside the SessionsComponent get's called: "write, del, delete, setFlash, flash, renew, destroy, ", CakePHP makes a decision:
a) The current request already contains a session cookie -> go on as normal
b) The current request does *not* contain a session cookie -> append the session as a parameter to all url's
3. As soon as a session_cookie is send CakePHP stops to append the session_id to urls.

This way your url's stay pretty for users with Cookies, but also for users without cookies as long as they are doing nothing that requires a session. As soon as they log in the non-cookie users get the session_id as a parameter in their url's.

Another benefit is that search engines will happily crawl your site, even so you got support for non-cookie sessions. Normally the session_id parameter is something they really don't like, but using sessions on demand they will not get a session_id as long as they are not trying to login somewhere (which is something search engines usally don't do ^^).

I know that for people without cookie sessions we'd need to throw in some additional security to make sure they don't copy a link and send it to their friend.

Any comments on this idea?

PS: I already wrote such a SessionOnDemandComponent for CakePHP, but it doesn't append the session_id's yet. I stopped working on it because people convinced me to go with Cookies only, which is ok for my current project, but might not be for other ones.

I really want to allow users with cookies disabled to use my pages,
is there some way/solution for cake to allow this?
maybe via url-rewrite/hostname or attached query-string?



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