On 8-Jun-06, at 12:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So I think I finally got Cake working on a Mac.  Here's what I did:
>  - reinstall OS X 10.4 & get all updates
>  - install MySQL 5 from www.mysql.com
>  - install php5 from www.entropy.ch
>  - install TinkerTool from http://www.bresink.de/osx/ 
> TinkerTool.html to
> show hidden files (you'll need this to view hidden files otherwise
> you'll lose your .htaccess file which is very bad!)
>  - download latest CakePHP & extract
>  - delete everything in /Library/WebServer/Documents
>  - copy all Cake files & folders (app/, cake/, vendors/, index.php,
> VERSION.txt, and .htaccess) to /Library/WebServer/Documents
>  - edit httpd.conf so it says "AllowOverride ALL" in the  
> DocumentRoot's
> <Directory> section
>  - recursively allow read & write access to app/tmp folder & all its
> subfolders (do this by doing Get Info on tmp folder)
>  - http://localhost should now load the Cake welcome page with all its
> images & layout
>  - the 15 minute blog tutorial (http://manual.cakephp.org/chapter/18)
> then worked just fine
> Hopefully this post can be a reference for others in the future - if
> someone wants to steal this text for docs or a wiki, be my guest!

You really want to get familiar with Terminal (/Applications/ 
Utilities/Terminal.app). It will greatly simplify things compared to  
having to move files around in the Finder. (Plus, you don't have to  
deal with messing up your finder windows -- I prefer my home  
directory to at least look clean.) Four lines of typing is much  
simpler than bouncing around a bunch of Finder windows. And when you  
start factoring in other tools such as version control or managing  
multiple projects on your machine, the GUI complexity skyrockets  
while the CLI remains fairly constant.

To do everything from 'download Cake' onwards is just this:

rm -r /Library/WebServer/Documents/*
svn export 'https://svn.cakephp.org/repo/trunk/cake/1.x.x.x' Library/ 
chmod -R a+rw Library/WebServer/Documents/app/tmp
EDITOR /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

where EDITOR is mate/bbedit/edit/see/vi/emacs/pico depending on  
whether you prefer TextMate, BBEdit, TextWrangler, SubEthaEdit, vi,  
emacs, or pico.

For myself, I use a custom-built PHP, Fast-CGI and Lighttpd to run my  
apps locally, and Capistrano to push them out to the server. Each app  
gets it's own port number on my machine and it's own domain (or  
subdomain) on the actual server. And I've got a Rakefile for each  
project that gives me a quick set of useful shortcuts. Add in a  
skeleton application in version control and starting a new project is  
just a matter of:

svk sync //mirror/cake
svk smerge //mirror/cake //local/numa/skeleton/trunk -m "syncing cake"
svk cp //local/numa/skeleton //local/numa/current/project-name -m  
"creating project-name project"
svk co //local/numa/current/project-name
cd project-name
mate config/lighttpd.conf config/deploy.rb
[alter a few settings in the config files]
rake server:start
mate trunk
mysqladmin -uroot -p create project-name
echo "GRANT ALL ON project-name.*TO 'project-name'@'localhost'  
IDENTIFIED BY 'password';" | mysql -uroot -p project-name

I should probably get around to wrapping all that in a shell script,  
but I don't type it enough for it to actually bug me. :) Basically,  
that just:

updates my local copy of the CakePHP trunk
copies any changes in trunk to my skeleton project
makes a copy of the skeleton project in source control
checks out the new project
opens the Lighttpd and Capistrano config files for editing
creates a new TextMate Project for the project's trunk
creates the database
creates the db user

I generally copy the database.php.default file in the Finder and edit  
in the new DB settings by hand. Again, I should probably automate  
that, but old habits die hard. :)

I'm trying to convince you that the command line is a really useful  
tool (on *nix machines at least) and will save you time. Plus, if you  
ever have anyone looking at your screen, typing three words and  
having a nice long capistrano or svk progress transcript flow past  
can be rather impressive. :)


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